Monday, April 23, 2012

do you see what i see?

Last week, I had the honor of taking care of the sweetest young lady. Her symptoms were straight forward: congestion, productive cough, feeling unwell x 5 days. She wasn't sleeping well, she wasn't able to pay attention in her classes, and so she came to be seen. Straight forward, like I said. She would benefit from an antibiotic, plus some day time and night time cough suppressants. Her scenario was so much like most of the young people I care for on a daily basis. Except for one thing. This young lady is blind. Since birth, actually, she has lived with four senses only. I think that our appointment together was more beneficial for me than her, to be completely honest. It made me realize how much I take my eyesight for granted. Also, it made me realize that the visually impaired must be an incredibly challenged population in the field of health care. We had to make some medication changes for her, because our cough syrup measure spoons did not have a raised marker of the dose. I gave her two or three different pills that she had to feel first to remember which was which. But, this girl was truly amazing and inspiring. She was funny, to boot. She was not phased at all by her handicap, because this was her; it was all that she knew. She's studying zoology, and she wants to be a horse veterinarian. After learning this, I tried to think about my job, and if I could care for others without my sense of sight. Gosh, it sure would be a challenge.
I live for these moments, though. These moments that make me realize that the world is so much bigger than my piece of it. These moments that show me no matter how difficult my day might be, there is someone achieving greatness despite bigger odds against them. And in health care, I am so fortunate to have this unique opportunity to be a person that someone trusts with their life. Literally. Sure, I may have treated this young lady's bronchitis, but, in truth, she was the one who held my heart, if only for a brief fifteen minutes.

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